Respect The Law
Respect The Law, either is it bad or good. Learn the law because many people break the law and they even don`t know they did it. For good and bad law you can take advantage in many ways.
example: learn laws about Insurance, Copryght, Privacy....
I found on internet only dumb laws while good are harder to found, taking advantage of good ones
is like p2p (peer 2 peer ) on internet or to sue somebody for something or take insurance money :)
Enough of that i will just paste some dumb laws that are realy dumb:(and should be changed if you ask me)
There is a possible 25 years in prison for cutting down a cactus.
When being attacked by a criminal or burglar, you may only protect yourself with the same weapon that the other person posseses.
A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.
Car dealers may not show cars on a Sunday.
Oral sex is illegal.
In Miami, it is forbidden to imitate an animal.
remember, respect it and hats all for now :)