When you hungry and don`t have time to eat.
When you hungry and don`t have time to eat, Super bugs comes in rescue.
E. coli bacteria is found in food that hasn't been adequately refrigerated or has been mishandled during preparation, often by people who don't wash their hands after visiting the bathroom. It gives most people no more than a stomach ache, but can be dangerous for the elderly or people whose immune systems are compromised. This is why health authorities are worried about a type of superbug E. coli that is rapidly spreading in the UK. In August, E. coli was found in meals that were to be served to passengers on British Airways. If this continues to happen, it is inevitable that the antibiotic-resistant version will arrive on our shores.
Health workers aren't sure how this superbug is being transmitted. E. coli are common bacteria that normally live harmlessly in our intestines. They are a common cause of urinary tract infections.