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If you don`t take time and see pics like these, you really should.
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Did u See Any Of These Vending Machines
vending machines: Like:"HAMBURGERS, HOT DOGS,
Hamburger Vending Machine
All dishes cooked by the machine while you wait!"
How to Be Safe During an Earthquake - WikiHow
How to Be Safe During an Earthquake - WikiHow: “How to Be Safe During an Earthquake
Being from California, and experiencing the 1989 earthquake, I learned real quick, how to prepare myself and stay safe during an earthquake. Here are some tips to help you as well.
1. When you feel the ground start to shake beneath your feet, get under a desk or a table. Sit with your knees on the floor, and your head toward the floor.
2. Place one hand on the leg of the table (to keep it from shifting away from you) Place your other hand over the back of your neck.
3. If you have children or pets in your home, at the time of the earthquake, help them get under the table with you, and try to cover them as much as you can. You can do this by hovering over them, making sure that most of their body is away from falling objects, etc.
4. Try to remain calm, and wait for the earthquake to stop, before getting out from under the table.
5. Keep your children close to you, after the earthquake, in case you need to get back under the table, for an after shock.
* Have a first aid kit ready, not just for earthquakes, it's always best to have one handy. Keep a flashlight or two, batteries, gauze, band aids, tweezers, small scissors, rubbing alcohol, and cotton balls.
* You should always have a couple of gallons of water handy, for emergency purposes.
* Call your family and make sure that everyone is okay, once you know that everyone in your home has no injuries.
* Dont run outside, power lines can fall during an earthquake, and you dont want to be in the middle of it, when it happens.
* Try not to leave your house, you can check on your neighbors when you get the okay, and that the earthquake is over.”
The slimming powers of tequila's agave

Gooood ol glass @ day
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Scientists from Mexico's tequila producing region say juice extracted from the blue agave plant, best known when distilled into the fiery spirit, may help dieters shed pounds and cut cholesterol. Sadly for the world's growing band of tequila lovers, agave's possible health benefits are lost when the plant is distilled into alcohol. Spiky agave plants has been cultivated on Mexico's arid central highlands for thousands of years and are woven into the country's history and mythology. But more than anything the plant is known for what Spanish invaders called "tequila wine." Now however, researchers from the University of Guadalajara, close to the town of Tequila, the cradle of Mexico's famous alcoholic export, say the plant's powers go beyond inducing euphoric highs followed by crushing hangovers. "The structure of agave contains, among other things, substances known as fructans," Dr Jorge Segura, who is leading the investigation, told Reuters on Thursday. "Fructans reduce cholesterol (and) alter the absorption of fat in the intestine, at least in animals." Segura said he was confident his team of 20 researchers would have similar results during their 18-month study on humans, launched this week. Inulin, a type of fructan, is a carbohydrate found in many plants, including asparagus. Some scientists believe inulin helps weight loss. Segura hopes that his research will open new markets for Mexico's thousands of agave farmers who have watched prices plummet as supply outstrips demand. "This will benefit the agave farmers more than anyone," he said. "Prices have collapsed in recent years."
Don`t Drink And Drive
Don`t drink and drive Smoke joint and fly... These are alcohol limits
for some countries (4 alcoholocz&green people)
* Czech Republic: 0,0
* Croatia: 0,0
* Hungary: 0,0
* Slovakia: 0,0
* Estonia: 0,2
* Poland: 0,2
* Sweden: 0,2
* Latvia: 0,4
* Austria: 0,5
* Belgium: 0,5
* Cyprus: 0,5
* Denmark: 0,5
* Finland: 0,5
* France: 0,5
* Greece: 0,5
* Italy: 0,5
* Germany: 0,5
* Netherlands: 0,5
* Portugal: 0,5
* Spain: 0,5
* Switzerland: 0,5
* Irska: 0,8
* Luxembourg: 0,8
* Malta: 0,8
* United Kingdom: 0,8
Random live webcams from the Net
This site is great it shows random cams from all over the world.
It opens latest cams found on google.
Check Here
Can Science Save Us Before it's Too Late?
The author Kurt Vonnegut recently said, "We are not nice animals, and the Earth's immune system is trying to shake us off." How many future generations of humans will the beleaguered Earth be able to sustain?
Jonathan Amos reports for BBC News that our planet is under incredible pressure, and unlike similar periods in the past, this time most of it is man-made. The problem is the way we obtain and use the Earth’s resources. Over a thousand futurists from 95 nations have spent 4 years compiling a report. Some of the things they’ve discovered are: 60% of world ecosystem services have been degraded, 20% of corals have been lost in only 20 years; dead zones, where no fish can live, are increasing in coastal waters, and the extinction of species is now 1,000 times greater than normal. Jonathan Lash, of the World Resources Institute, says that humans have changed most of the world’s ecosystems beyond recognition in the last 50 years. This has to do with the way we grow and fish for food and obtain fresh water, as well as our cutting down forests for building materials and fuel. When we obtain fuel, we pollute the atmosphere with greenhouse gases.
What can we do about this besides having to return to a caveman style of living? Futurists don't have these answers for us, but they do say that the pace of scientific research that will find solutions to these problems needs to increase. In the meantime, according to this report, "Any progress achieved in addressing the goals of poverty and hunger eradication, improved health, and environmental protection is unlikely to be sustained if most of the ecosystem 'services' on which humanity relies continue to be degraded."
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Science is the best hope for our future and here at, scientists are our heroes. Keep up with the best of edge science by visiting our site daily for new stories. And make sure we’ll be here tomorrow: subscribe today. Don’t miss Peter Levenda's special take on what's going on in the world, this week onDreamland!
Stupid Facts
Basketball was invented in the United States in 1891.
Mercaptan in asparagus is what causes urine to smell.
Lachrymatory-factor synthase in onions is what makes you cry.
You cannot lose a contact lens in the back of your head.
Pigs don't sweat.
Like a cow, an elk has four stomachs.
Eric Clapton's given birth name was Patrick Clapp.
The average speed of a man's orgasm is 28 MPH.
There are no fish living in the Dead Sea.
It is illegal to lick toads in Arizona.
The largest kidney stone weighed 14 pounds.
Frogs don't drink water.
Ahmm Bigfoot

The only scientific research organization exploring the bigfoot / sasquatch mystery...
great facts:
It's a fact that for more than 400 years people have reported seeing large, hair-covered, man-like animals in the wilderness areas of North America.
It is a fact that sightings of these animals continue today. Real or not, these reports are often made by people of unimpeachable character.
It is a fact that, for over seventy years, people have been finding, photographing, and casting sets of very large human-shaped tracks. Most are discovered by chance in remote areas. These tracks continue to be found to this day.
It is a fact that the cultural histories of many Native American and First Nation peoples include stories and beliefs about non-human "peoples" of the wild. Many of these descriptions bear a striking resemblance to the hairy man-like creatures reported today.
These are some of the facts. There is, however, much disagreement as to what these facts mean.
To many, these facts, taken together, suggest the presence of an animal, probably a primate, that exists today in very low population densities. If true, this species, having likely evolved alongside humans, became astonishingly adept at avoiding human contact through a process of natural selection.
To others, these same facts point to a cultural phenomenon kept alive today through a combination of the misidentification of known animals, wishful thinking, and the deliberate fabrication of evidence.
Visit for more info.
Save The Gas
Perdue University researchers, who told us how to wash clothes so they emerge much drier, have now turned their attention to how to save gas. It turns out that the way you drive can make your car much more gas efficient—even if you don't have a hybrid.
Mechanical engineer Heather L. Cooper has several suggestions that will improve gas mileage. When running the air conditioner, use the recirculation setting to minimize the energy necessary to maintain a constant temperature in the vehicle. Setting the air conditioner at a comfortable temperature and not adjusting it will use less fuel than turning it on and off as needed.
For pickup trucks, drive with the tailgate up, rather than down or removed completely. A well-sealed cover or cap can improve mileage by reducing drag across the truck bed.
Lower speeds are better for long highway trips. When driving above 55 or 60 mph, gas mileage drops significantly. Use cruise control to maintain a consistent speed.
Use less expensive regular gasoline with a lower octane, instead of more expensive premium (unless premium is required for your vehicle). Higher octanes don’t provide any benefit unless your engine is not working well.
Keep tires inflated to manufacturers' recommendations and make sure your car is in good working order through regular maintenance.
Don't let your car to idle for long periods of time. If you have to wait, turn the engine off.
"When driving in town, it is difficult to conserve fuel while making a lot of stops," says Cooper, who is a former engineer with General Motors. "Try to combine errands into one or two weekly trips. Plan your errands in advance to minimize distances and backtracking."
Even small adjustments in driving can make a big difference in the amount of money you save at the pump. For example, for someone who drives 15,000 miles a year in a car that averages 25 miles per gallon, an increase in gas mileage of only 2 mpg would save more than $120 a year at current gas prices.
Do gas prices have to be so high--and who's making money from these high prices? US gasoline retailers are not profiting from high prices, but the government and the oil refineries certainly are, according to retailing expert Robert Robicheaux, who says, "Our state and federal governments are doing quite well with the impressive taxes on each gallon of gas that is sold. Taxes on fuel sales were increased in decades past to increase tax revenues and discourage gasoline consumption, but consumers have been buying more, not fewer, gallons of gas. During the last decade or so, the gross profit margins earned per gallon of gas sold have increased for the refiners, despite falling profits for retailers."
Art credit:
FTP access via your Webbrowser: Web2
Great ftp at web, no need for program download.
FTP access via your Webbrowser: Web2 "With, you can access any FTP account through a Web interface - no matter whether there is a firewall or not. You can use www2ftp for the complete administration of your homepage, downloading files or just making small changes.
Oh My Love Who Is For Better Love Making Or Sexual Enhancement Food.
Sexual Enhancement Food by Boris Boki.
There is always a chance to enhance your sex live with the help of food. It is not a secret that many natural enhancement pills are based on well-known ancient aphrodisiac, mostly exotic, like Cayenne Fruit, Chinese Ginseng, Horny Goat, Ginkgo and others. They also contain vitamins (Vitamin B3, Vitamin E) and minerals like Zinc. But, to be true, food that you can simply buy in supermarket also contains useful ingredients, and some sort of food is pure aphrodisiac.
Sea products. Well known aphrodisiacs, especially oysters. Sea products contain very important minerals like iodine, calcium, magnesium and iron. Sea products are concentrated sources of proteins, microelements and minerals. It is not a secret that people who lives near sea and oceans don't care about potency and fertility - they don't have problems with sex at all.
Wine. A glass of wine can enhance a romantic interlude. But remember that a moderate amount of wine has been said to "arouse" but much more than that amount with have the reverse affect.
Chili Pepper. Very good aphrodisiac! They can make not only food spicy. Plus Chili Pepper will increase your metabolism. That's mean less fat and more energy.
Mustard. Stimulates the sexual glands and increase desire.
Broccoli. One veggie has 97% of your vitamin C for the day. Also, it is a very good source of calcium.
Cinnamon. Spice obtained from the inner bark of the small evergreen tree. Ancient aphrodisiac, good for men and women. Use it in coffee, tea, wine, salads.
Eggs. Good source of proteins and minerals, especially for breakfast. But don't eat too much and every day - you must know why.
In fact you must find what is most effective for you. Remember, natural food is always useful. Try and find what is best for you. But also don't do these if you want to have good results:
Don't eat a ton of fried foods. French toasts, fried bacon, fried potatoes. If it is your favorite food try to lower your appetite.
Don't drink too much coffee.
Don't smoke! If you smoke, lower your daily dose and you will see what happens. Just try for a week and you will see results.
And finally, recipe of aphrodisiac cocktail:
1/3 oz. Kahlua (Mexican coffee liqueur with herbs and vanilla)
1/3 oz. Blue Curacao
1/3 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream
Layer in order in a shot glass (Kahlua at the bottom).
Good luck!
Keywords: Sex, Sexuality, Food, Dating, Women.
About the Author
Boris is an author of Sexual Enhancement: Articles, Advices, Answers Website. Visit his site to find more articles and reviews or send him a message.
Tips for better love making - The top 5 erogenous zones of a female by Jack Crow
If you're floundering in the bedroom and your girlfriend is moaning for all the wrong reasons, these tips will point you in the right direction.
By Jack Crow
Gentlemen! If you want to get your girl moaning for real instead of faking it, you're going to have to put a bit of work in. Firstly, a male can achieve orgasm within 2 - 3 minutes when stimulated by another partner. Where as a female can take up to 15 minutes to climax.
If you know for a fact that you can't keep going for that long by pure intercourse alone (and lets face it, if you're doing that, you're having sex, not making love) then you are going to have to stimulate her body with foreplay instead.
Now before you panic and freak out, all of this can be done with your tongue and hands. I guarantee you will become a better lover in the bedroom AND you really will give her orgasm after orgasm.
The top 5 female erogenous zones
The neck
Apart from being sexy and attractive, the female neck is perhaps one of the most sensitive areas of her body. Softly kissing this area from her shoulder to below her ear (while at the same time massaging it with your tongue will send tingles and pulses up and down her spine. Keep at it and she will be breathing heavily in a very short period of time.
The ear lobes
Sucking ear lobes isn't for everyone. Some girls get the tickles when you do it but others simply adore it. While you're there you can whisper sweet nothings in her ear. Close facial contact is what she likes so this is a good way to do it if you're fed up with kissing on the lips. Also massaging her ear lobes with your fingers from time to time can be very soothing.
The nipples
On a par with the neck for sensitivity, the female nipples become hard and sit up right when stimulated with your tongue. Don't forget to give both breasts even attention and also kiss down in between her breasts as you work your way between both of them. If she hasn't grabbed your head by this stage and held it into her bosom, something's badly wrong.
The belly button
Working your way down her body, the belly button is another area you should stimulate before full intercourse. Kissing this area with your lips and tongue will cause vibrations that will vibrate through her reproductive area and begin to stimulate her G spot.
The G Spot
Ah the G spot. This holy grail legend of the female anatomy can be tricky to find. So if the chance arises, ask her if she has already found her G spot and let her point you in the right direction.
As a general guide, most female G spots can be found on the roof of the vagina (that's the side closest to her stomach.). It's about the size and shape of a 2 pence coin and can be found about 4 inches in.
Extreme caution should be taken when stimulating this area with your tongue or fingers as a female can quite literally lose control of her limbs. Don't be surprised if you get kneed in the face or get elbowed as she moans in ecstasy. It should also be noted that not all females have a G spot, so don't be alarmed if you both can't find it. As you have seen there are plenty of other areas of the female body that can be stimulated in the art of love making in order to help her climax.
Doing a combination of all these things will leave her begging for more and you will be a better lover for it. Experimentation is the key to find out what works and what doesn't as everyone is not the same.
As you can see, a true female orgasm involves the stimulation of her whole body and not just simple penetration. Taking the time to show care and attention to her needs will put you so far above any other lovers, she may have had that you may find it tricky escaping from the bed. I know I have ;-)
I hope this article helps your love life get back on track and that you become better and more confident at making love and not just having sex. Above all else, if you want to become a better lover, ask your partner what they like and what they want you to do to them. Not only will you help them get their rocks off quicker, you'll also show that you are thinking about their needs and they in turn will think about yours. This will create a much better experience than if both parties are concentrating on what each can get out of the experience in a very selfish way.
Until next time.
About the Author
Jack Crow is a freelance writer and part time webmaster. When he's not building web sites he's writing about relationship problems and checking out new dating sites that appear on the net. To read some of his other articles on men and women, visit his site at
When you hungry and don`t have time to eat.
When you hungry and don`t have time to eat, Super bugs comes in rescue.
E. coli bacteria is found in food that hasn't been adequately refrigerated or has been mishandled during preparation, often by people who don't wash their hands after visiting the bathroom. It gives most people no more than a stomach ache, but can be dangerous for the elderly or people whose immune systems are compromised. This is why health authorities are worried about a type of superbug E. coli that is rapidly spreading in the UK. In August, E. coli was found in meals that were to be served to passengers on British Airways. If this continues to happen, it is inevitable that the antibiotic-resistant version will arrive on our shores.
Health workers aren't sure how this superbug is being transmitted. E. coli are common bacteria that normally live harmlessly in our intestines. They are a common cause of urinary tract infections.
Hahamhha strange or weird something it is

Just got to share these pics that i found, so many crazy labels for products u can`t even think. see here >>>
and for rHall of Technical Documentation Weirdness see >>> and u can post yours to.
Oh Tattoo
Tattoo comes from the Tahitian word tatau .These summer everywhere i turn i see a lot of people "wearing" tattoos, my two friends has just put one behind their back.
Both used somekind of dragon so im thinking about one for my self to.
I don`t like big tataus :) i like something hardly seen on my body but beautiful. maybe like these 2 pics.

These body pics becoming more and more popular and i read it that they exist on world 5000 years.
Still i must truly think about it
Revolutionary New Search Engine
read more : New Search Engine 'Revolutionary'
A 26-year-old PhD student from the University of New South Wales has patented a new way of exploring the web that could revolutionise existing search engines. Developed by Ori Allon, the Orion© search engine is designed to complement searches conducted on services such as Google, Yahoo or MSN Search. Orion© finds pages where the content is about a topic strongly related to the key word. It then returns a section of the page, and lists other topics related to the key word so the user can pick the most relevant."
"The results to the query are displayed immediately in the form of expanded text extracts, giving you the relevant information without having to go to the website - although you still have that option if you wish," said Israeli-born Allon, who completed a Bachelor and Masters degree at Monash University in Melbourne before moving to UNSW for his PhD.
"By displaying results to other associated key words directly related to your search topic, you gain additional pertinent information that you might not have originally conceived, thus offering an expert search without having an expert's knowledge.
"Take a search such as the American Revolution as an example of how the system works. Orion© would bring up results with extracts containing this phrase. But it would also give results for American History, George Washington, American Revolutionary War, Declaration of Independence, Boston Tea Party and more. You obtain much more valuable information from every search."
Got a question ??? Ask Yahoo!
If you got some questions that you like to get answer ask yahoo!
People who ask they ask something like this:
1.)Do I burn the same amount of calories walking as I do running?
2.)What's the difference between an associate producer, an executive producer, and a producer?
3.)Why is our pee sometimes clear and sometimes yellow?
4.)How many vacation days has George W. Bush taken to date as president?
to get answer or post question go to
Yahoo page.
Respect The Law
Respect The Law, either is it bad or good. Learn the law because many people break the law and they even don`t know they did it. For good and bad law you can take advantage in many ways.
example: learn laws about Insurance, Copryght, Privacy....
I found on internet only dumb laws while good are harder to found, taking advantage of good ones
is like p2p (peer 2 peer ) on internet or to sue somebody for something or take insurance money :)
Enough of that i will just paste some dumb laws that are realy dumb:(and should be changed if you ask me)
There is a possible 25 years in prison for cutting down a cactus.
When being attacked by a criminal or burglar, you may only protect yourself with the same weapon that the other person posseses.
A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.
Car dealers may not show cars on a Sunday.
Oral sex is illegal.
In Miami, it is forbidden to imitate an animal.
remember, respect it and hats all for now :)
The Great World Of Animal Acts
I love watching amazing animal pictures, im collecting it for later watching and offcourse thoose pics are many times funny...

So if u like animals visit
Animal Acts there are straight animal pics.
Set up Your Own Webcam

These days, web cameras are everywhere. Your friends have one, maybe your office or the university that you study in also do. So, you decided to finally go with the crowd and get a camera. Now that you have it at home and connected to your computer, you probably wonder: "How do I make this thing show a picture online?" We are here to explain.
Setting up your own web camera is easy: all you need is a computer, the cam itself, webcam software which will do the broadcasting, and an Internet connection.
Streaming Video vs. Still Images
The first decision you have to make before putting your camera live is if it will show streaming video or still images. If you have visited a webcam directory such as and looked at a few cams, you have most probably noticed that some of them show a continious stream of live video, while others refresh the page in your browser and show a different picture at a pre-set time interval. The first flavor, the streaming ones, are without doubt more attractive to a viewer, but can you support such a camera? If you have a broadband Internet connection, and you can afford setting aside much bandwith for your camera to stream, the answer is yes. If not, you'd better stick with the still image camera - that will make the proccess lighter for both you and your camera's viewers, and such a connection can work without problems even if you access the 'net through a dial-up connection.
Set up Your Own Webcam: "Set up Your Own Webcam by Silvina Georgieva
About the Author
© 2005,, All rights reserved.
Silvina Georgieva is Managing Director of
Founded in 1996, OnlineCamera is the leading independent webcam directory on the Internet.
It has more than 3000 web sites currently listed, and grows with more every day.
Honda Cars, Civic And Accord

"There are two names that define Honda cars more than any other: Civic and Accord. Sure, newer models have sprung up including the CR-V, Element, Insight, Ridgeline, Odyssey, and more. Yet, it is these two heralded models that continue to make up the backbone of the famed Japanese automaker even to this day. Let’s look at the history of the Civic and Accord and how these models have brought Honda to where it is today: a seller of vehicles espousing world class quality and affordability.
The Honda Civic has graced American roads since the early 1970s. For years it attracted quiet notice as it was truly a “mini” amongst giants. Consumers had pet names for the car including –- “pregnant roller skate” –- yet the car began to quickly attract a loyal following. Indeed, with two fuel shortages popping up in the 1970s the gas sipping Civic caught on for its economy as well as for its reliability. To this day, 30 year old plus Civics can still be seen around town as owners carefully maintain their vehicles with the highest quality Honda Civic parts. Today’s Civics, although larger than their predecessors continue to receive accolades including receiving an all around five star safety rating from the NHTSA.
In the early 1980s Honda introduced the Accord, a five passenger sedan. With the opening of Honda’s first US automotive plant in 1982, the Accord quickly established itself as a segment darling with consumers. By 2001, the Accord became the best selling car in the US, bypassing the ever popular Toyota Camry. Since then, the two cars have been the top sellers in the U.S. Well crafted Honda Accord parts are keeping even the most classic Accord on the road today. Indeed, it is this level of quality and reliability which continues to make Honda cars a world leader in value as well as dependability.
So, whether you own an older Accord or Civic or one of Honda’s many newer models you can keep your car running for years by purchasing reliable Honda Civic radiators and other parts as needed. Honda reliability and dependability are trademarks of this esteemed Japanese automaker and all of their models are certain to continue to be world class performers for many more years.
Matt Keegan is a contributing writer for Car Parts Stuff, an online supplier of high quality and well priced automobile parts.
Study Finds Cannabis- Weed Triggers Transient Schizophrenia-like Symptoms

Study Finds Cannabis Triggers Transient Schizophrenia-like Symptoms: "Study Finds Cannabis Triggers Transient Schizophrenia-like Symptoms
New Haven, Conn. -- The principal active ingredient in marijuana causes transient schizophrenia-like symptoms ranging from suspiciousness and delusions to impairments in memory and attention, according to a Yale research study."
Lead author D. Cyril D'Souza, M.D., associate professor of psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine, said the study was an attempt to clarify a long known association between cannabis and psychosis in the hopes of finding another clue about the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.
"Just as studies with amphetamines and ketamine advanced the notion that brain systems utilizing the chemical messengers dopamine and NMDA receptors may be involved in the pathophysiology in schizophrenia, this study provides some tantalizing support for the hypotheses that the brain receptor system that cannabis acts on may be involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia," he said. "Clearly, further work is needed to test this hypothesis."
D'Souza and his co-researchers administered various doses of delta-9-THC, the main active ingredient in cannabis, to subjects who were screened for any vulnerability to schizophrenia. Some subjects developed symptoms resembling those of schizophrenia that lasted approximately one half hour to one hour. These symptoms included suspiciousness, unusual thoughts, paranoia, thought disorder, blunted affect, reduced spontaneity, reduced interaction with the interviewer, and problems with memory and attention. THC also induced euphoria and increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. There were no side effects in the study participants one, three and six months after the study.
The findings of this study go along with several other lines of evidence that suggest a contribution of cannabis and/or abnormalities in the brain cannabinoid receptor system to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.
Co-authors included Edward Perry, M.D., Lisa MacDougal, Yola Ammerman, Yu-Te Wu, Gabriel Braley, Ralitza Gueorguieva, and John Krystal, M.D., of Yale, and Thomas Cooper of Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Kazaa Ruled Illegal Down Under | News | Media Center PC World
Kazaa Ruled Illegal Down Under | News | Media Center PC World:
A court in Sydney has ruled that the users of the Kazaa file-sharing software have breached copyright laws and has ordered the software be altered.
Aussie based Sharman Networks, who developed Kazaa, were sued by Australian record companies who alleged that they were responsible for millions of dollars of lost sales. The case hinged around whether the Kazaa network, by allowing file-sharing of copyright material, was authorising that piracy.
The court ruled on Monday that Kazaa was responsible for the actions of its users. "[Kazaa] authorised users to infringe the applicants' copyright in their sound recordings," Federal Court Judge Murray Wilcox said in his ruling.
This case has similarities to that recently heard in the US Supreme Court between Grokster and major record labels in which Grokster was deemed responsible for the actions of its users.
This spate of ruling against file-sharing networks will do little to prevent piracy as new networks are springing up to replace those affected or closed down by legal action. However, what it might do is stifle creativity. If the developer of a piece of software is to be held responsible for ALL the uses that it could be put to, many useful tools will never get off the drawing board.
Technorati tags:
Latest news on kazaa downloads
The Lemon: History Of The Internet
The Lemon: History Of The Internet: "Many young people around the world use the internet every day, and yet they have no memory of the history that led to the creation of the global network. Many have no understanding of how or why the internet has developed. As part of out continuing efforts to combat ignorance around the world"
Check the link on TOP to see explained history of Internet.
Use Your Illusion
Use Your Illusion Open your eyes
There are about 20 illusion images that mix your mind :)
Energy Fuel efficient driving
The most fuel-efficient speed for your car is roughly 55 mph, or 90 km/h. Increasing your speed from 55 mph to 75 mph boosts your fuel consumption a stunning 20 percent!
You can boost your vehicle's fuel efficiency by as much as 30 percent simply by keeping it well maintained and driving it correctly.
LEARN to drive Visit for more info
See some.......
# Combine trips for shopping and errands.
# Avoid unnecessary trips. Use the telephone or e-mail to communicate.
# For short trips, walk or ride a bike.
# Join a carpool or use public transit to and from work or school.
# Don’t idle the car for more than one minute
# Drive the speed limit, or below, for better mileage.
# Overdrive gears improve the fuel economy of your car during highway driving.
# Avoid sudden bursts of speed, tailgating and pumping the accelerator pedal. Gradual starts and stops result in less fuel use and less wear and tear.
# Out on the open highway, keep windows rolled up to reduce drag.
# Using a vehicle’s air conditioner on a hot summer day can decrease mileage. If it’s cool enough, use the flow-through ventilation on your car instead of the air conditioner.
# Travel during off-peak hours when possible.
# Take the shortest route with the best roads.
# Use the cruise control -- it can save fuel by maintaining a steady speed.
# Keep tires at the recommended air pressure.
# Keep your car engine properly tuned.
# Remove bicycle and ski racks when not in use.
# Excess weight uses more fuel. Remove unnecessary items from inside the vehicle, trunk or truck bed.
# Use the lowest octane gasoline recommended by the manufacturer.
# When buying a new car, make fuel efficiency a priority.
# Don’t buy a bigger engine than you need.
The Some "Quotes"
You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I'm not hungry enough to eat six.
Pedro Guerrero:
Sometimes they write what I say and not what I mean.
Dick Cavett:
If your parents never had children, chances are you won’t either.
David Acfield:
Strangely, in slow motion replay, the ball seemed to hang in the air for even longer.
Terry Venables:
If history repeats itself, I should think we can expect the same thing again.
George Bush:
I have opinions of my own - strong opinions - but I don't always agree with them.
Brooke Shields:
Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life.
Britney Spears:
I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada.
You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there.
If you don't know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere else.
If you can't imitate him, don't copy him.
They shouldn't throw at me. I'm the father of five or six kids.
The first black president will be a politician who is black.
If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very very low crime rate.
How To Detect Liars By: Christos Varsamis
We live in a world full of lies and deception. Most of us (or all of us?) lied or were forced to do so, in a small or larger scale, because of some circumstances. Unfortunately, some individuals use to prevaricate or lie deliberately. They use to do it frequently in every aspect of their life.
So the question is how can you detect people who lie or how can you trace the lies in general? There is not a magic recipe for that but you can use some fundamental rules to do so:
- The person who lies will make little or no eye contact. A person who is lying to you will do everything to avoid eye contact.
- He is reluctant to face his accuser and may turn his head or shift his body away.
- He tries to move away from the accuser, possibly in the direction of the exit. There will be little or no physical contact during his attempt to convince you.
- He places physical objects (drinking glass, e.t.c.) between himself and his accuser to form a barrier, as if he tells that “I don’t want to talk about it,” indicating deception or intention to cover something.
- When a liar is questioned about something he delays the response for a few seconds in order to think or come up with a fake story. On the contrary, the honest person answers immediately in a spontaneous manner.
- If there are so many repetitions of some points, it means that he lacks of answering the critical facts the other person needs. That means he can’t tell the truth.
- A Liar maybe willingly answers your questions but on the other hand he will not ask you relevant or same questions. He tries to change the subject as soon as possible in order to avoid the awkward situation he was into.
- When the subject is changed he feels relief instead of the honest who seeks further explanations.
- He exaggerates (that’s a nice trick) so much, that makes you think that if he is lying he can’t come up with such as stupid and excessive explanation.
You can use some simple tricks to detect the lies while the conversation goes on. First speak for general things regarding your suspicions. Ask general questions and watch the liar’s response. If he takes some time to answer then he obviously lies because he is making a fake story, and that requires some time, at least few seconds which are enough for you to understand.
Commerce Tricks.
- The salesman is asking for your hobbies in order to create a bond with the potential client. For example: “I see you have pet magazines… you have pets?” “Yes I do.” “So do I!”
- Greasy agreements. When you have someone to agree all the time with you, even with some arguments you use that lack of rationality…then beware. It’s a fake response to get your approval and sympathy, although most of the times that attitude get the opposite results.
- Ask for little favours. There are no little favours. The little always leads to the big one. If someone keeps asking you for little things to do, most of the times (not always) is looking for the valuable action he is expecting for you to do. The reason for asking the little one first is that when you say “Yes”, you create the appropriate mindset which inevitably will come to the big “Yes”.
About the Author: Christos Varsamis is an internet marketing consultant and the creator and publisher of